Thursday, 7 February 2013


The couloured Fabric cables arrived yesterday from NUD in sweeden- the colours are fantastic even if I do say so myself, but they have been sent unearthed, ( we ordered them eartherd) so now we are waiting for a response to the email we sent last night!

Pete has installed the built in hoover, and it all works, so now we have hidden the hose and all the different heads, just in case anyone thinks its a good idea to hoover up round the building site!

..... the last couple of have been quite exciting, all of the taps that we ordered have arrived as well as the two baths.  Pete, Reuben and I borrowed a tipper truck from a bloke up the road and went off to Newark to get our huge lime green hot water cylinder, the word gypsies srings to mind, which is totally fine by me except we went home the long way (after a flask in a layby!!!) via Mansfield to pick up our uber cool built in coffee machine!!!!,

on another trip out with Pete - to the tip and then the steel scrap yard- he knows how to treat a girl, ( actually if it was between a scrap yard or Westfield, the scrap yard would win every time)
we picked up a fantastic steel pipe that we are going to use in Finn's built in wardrobe to give it a New 'York Loft apartment' feel ...
..... Pete has build and plasterboarded the curved walk in wardrobes in Jude and Reuben's rooms and we are really happy with them, he has plastered the airing cuboard and the plasterers are coming next week to do all of the  upsatirs and the hall.

We are still waiting for the call to pick up the chesney stove, but the bargain basement stove has arrived today along with the spary paint, it looks fine but we will just have to plumb it in and hope the back boiler is not damaged.

The front upstairs windows are going in today, and Pete and Dave are cutting all the window cills and priming them ready for the plasterers.

Reuben and I went over to trade point on Monday to get a load of paint (.... i know! its all very exciting- it was just white, but I have started to look at the colours for the few rooms that won't be white) and while we were there we called in to Sainsburys where I found the perfect shades to make my own version of the Graham and Green bird cage shades (£350!!!! each) and Gardener Mark who has been hunting all over London scince christmas for the birds finally found some in Covent Garden (thankyou friend!)  and they will be arriving any day ( not really a priority???- depends what your priorities are!! )

.........talking of priorities we found the toilet we wanted for the main bathroom, and the ebay shop auctioned one every day we kept missing out so we put in a bid really early and won it for pennies!yipeee!!! now we just need to win the lovely victorian towel rail with a chip in the back- nothing that can't be hidden with a towel!!!!!