Tuesday, 24 January 2012

HEALTH AND SAFTEY ??? .....lost in the post, missing at sea etc....

As safe as houses!!!!!

.......even young Jude has been having a go in the digger now, knocking down the garage sat on Pete's knee,- he LOVED it! I'm just worried how Finn is gonna take the news especially as there is nothing left to knock down!

 So all the fun stuff is over it all gets a bit serious now,  (and I'm not sure we do serious)!

The site has been full of people today despite the weather,  conservatory Tom came for more tiles and wood and advice on how to stick it all together, an ebayer camefor the  loft window, and a local farmer called by and is going to take away all the rubble for the farm, and local neighbours turned up to rummage through the bonfire (again) for firewood and another for bricks! And the senior member of the team turned up sometime after lunch when the rain had stopped!

Tomorrow its rulers and string at the ready as they start to measure and dig out the foundations! and it has to be right because the timber frame is built off site based on fixed measurement....aghhhh!!!!

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