Friday, 6 July 2012


Pete built a tent so Romeslow (how long have we had to wait?) and co could come and do the fiberglass on the balcony, he has been out to look at the completed job, and amongst other   choice words "DOGS BREAKFAST" has been used a few times, it's a really disappointing finish, he is now working on trying to get it sorted out.

The builders did finish the extension on Monday, and Harlows are now making the roof trusses which should be ready soon.

Rain, rain go away!- Pete and Dave are stuck inside putting on the silver membrane and tile laths, and they have ordered all the cladding so we can get on with painting that inside if the rain continues!!!!!Roll on winter- that's what I say!

This isn't quite what I had in mind for the family room!

1 comment:

  1. It's looking good. Taking shape nicely!! You've accomplished a ton of work!
