Monday, 10 September 2012

Mona Vale ....somewhere on the northern beaches

... just by chance we came across a fantastic vintage bus blind, wall hanging for the kitchen
( to remind us of our younger days )it's quite big so we hope we can fit it on a prominent wall, otherwise we will have to sell the house and build another just to fit this thing in!

The render has been completed on the front wall, with the large gable and the smaller gable having had the first coats.

the porch has had the window frames and door frame put in-I am really happy, cant waint to see it rendered.

indian summer!!- Pete has been keeping the wall damp to try and stop it drying out too quickly in the hot weather.

Pete has been putting the laths on the front of the house so we can get on with putting the cedar cladding on.

He has also made this forma, to form the arches on the carport, he will start the brick work tommorow.

We have sent off the emails to get the glass quotes, so far we have just had one reply- I think glass is quite overated!
Pete has ordered the heat recovery and ventiltion system and it should be delivered at the end of  this week.

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