Sunday, 28 October 2012


We didn't give the design of this window enough thought the wood is too chunky

hopefully it will look better when the wall is plastered and painted !

Pete and dave have been busy glazing and painting the windows, it is a long job there are still about 15 windows to glaze and all of the doors!

they have hinged them to the timber frame to make them easier to paint

Long John Mark came over last week and helped Pete to clad the extension, and then they started  the skeiling in the loft which Pete and Dave finished this week.

the back of the house does look like a patchwork quilt but I am confident that the verhandah roof and eventually the verhandah will bring it all together, the verhandah design has changed and will exted around to the snug and have a part without a roof and this will have a built in herb bed, and the end of it that meets the ground will be finished with a planted wall , off of Gardeners world this year- If its good enough for chelsea it will do for me!

PAINTING GOES ON AND ON AND ON AND............................

But both the front and the back have had final coats just leaving the two side walls and the porch to have final coats.
we have been looking at Keim Paints for the cills they are heavily textured and will make the cills look like they are stone.

here we are out and about looking at kitchens !

a mixture of this blue and white is a posibility

or something like this for the Island unit- yes I am being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, I think this will look lovely covered in dog hairs and jammy finger prints!!!

I know its a bit early but we actuallg bought some floor tiles the other day - well they were only £20 for the lot in the bargain corner of tradePoint, and we were not sure what size to do the guest en suite - now we do!!!!!!!

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