Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Nerves of steel!

When I took out the tea yesterday I was greeted with "we don't need a crane for the steels wev'e had an idea"!!!!!!! and here you have it.....

We had the concrete laid in the porch and hall laid today, we paid for the super duper stuff that comes with a bloke to ensure a great finish................... and of course there is a significant drop in between the the hall between the hall  floor in between the lounge and family room where it meets the hall floor laid today. (I knew there was no way Pete would be happy with a job done by someone else). ( except for the brick layers who he is really impressed with) The guy from lafarge came yesterday to check we were ready,  turns up today with random guy in joggers and trainers ( nerver broke a sweat in his life) and claimed he was assessing him (yeah right) it was just his mate, hopefully his mate just loves watching concrete dry and wasn't casing the joint (I am very suspisious ). So fingers crossed he won't be appearing on a wanted poster any time soon, and I've got it wrong!

(The gap in the curve is where the front door will be .)

We have been having more deliveries but also stuff taken back that we didn't need and generally things around the site are as mad as ever, but it's all good, Ken and Dedriee have fitted in really well and we are really pleased with the job they are doing, Ive made them a couple of cakes so I hope all their jabs are up to date!!!

Next week we are having the floor and the floor joists delivered, and today marks the 12th week in the caravan!

SPRING WATCH- if you can think back to a really old post when we moved the blue tit house, great news our family of blue tits have found their new location aaaahhhhh!

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